Today we asked Henrike Götz, our Customer Relationship Manager, three questions regarding her work for Radiopark. Read our saxophone and piano virtuosa’s replies below.
Q: Henrike, when did you join Radiopark? What did you do before?
A: I have been at Radiopark since 2013. Before that, I worked as a tour guide in Mexico. Further stations: Product manager at a compilation label in Hamburg and marketing & communication for a world music label in Madrid, Spain.
Q: What does your typical working day look like?
A: Answering customer inquiries (contractual details, technical support, program inquiries), administration/database maintenance, coordination with our sales team in Dubai, Berlin or on the Canary Islands, customer service, exchange of players, shipping, dunning, new customer acquisition – it depends on the season.

Q: Your customers are very different, in terms of company size, nationality, etc.. How do you develop a feeling for the customers‘ needs?
A: There are no guidelines for that. Some customers give very detailed briefings that we can work by. If the ideas are vague, we will work out a proposal including details such as ambiance, target groups or other components relevant to the brand. Oftentimes the ideas become tangible in the course during a test run. Here, customers have the possibility to test the effects of the background music in his location with maximum distance to their subjective preferences. Personal preferences may be totally different to the ambient music a location really needs.